Monday, January 6, 2020

My Grandfather And My Grandmother Essay - 1359 Words

My American roots are made up of my families traditions and history. I interviewed two family members, my grandfather and my grandmother. Each one brings a different background which made them the best option. American roots are a built by families. Each family has its own traditions and ideals. For my grandparents, their American roots were built completely different from each other. Family has a major impact on an individual s life, it is the starting point of ones American roots. My American roots are the result of my family. Where do your American roots come from? I chose to interview both my grandfather and grandmother because they were raised in two very different environments. My grandfather was born and raised in Fairbury, Illinois. His father was a farmer and owned a very large chicken farm. My grandfather had two brothers and two sisters. He was the youngest out of them all. Being raised in a farm is not something everyone can relate to. Farms in American are very symbolic because they represent hard work, dedication, patients, and history. My grandfather was to work on the farm when he was not busy with school work. His family was big on education because they saw it as a necessary tool to have in life. When my grandfather wasn’t farming, he was studying. My grandfather was very athletic as well. He played football, basketball, and baseball in high school. Sports can be seen to some as a contributing factor to â€Å"American roots† because sports have played a bigShow MoreRelatedMy Grandmother And My Grandfather975 Words   |  4 Pagesinterviewing my grandmother I have come to respect the changes her and my grandfather made within their own family. My grandmother and grandfather grew up in a home where their mothers were always cooking and their fathers were never home. Dinnertime was never a time their parents believed was important. 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